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B.UK Custom Hunter
12" Overall with a 7" sharpened, hand forged, Damascus steel blade with fileworked spine. Polished stacked hardwood handle with brass, hardwood and stainless steel dividers, solid brass fittings. Complete with high quality leather belt sheath. Superb Quality.
12.2" Overall with a 7.5" hand forged, sharpened, 4mm thick, Damascus steel blade with file worked spine. Highly polished stacked bone, brass and hardwood handle with brass fittings. Complete with high quality leather sheath.
18" Overall with a 12.5" sharpened, 1075 high carbon, damascus steel blade. Full tang with a substantial 4.5mm blade thickness. Detailed handle made up of brass, steel and micarta. Leather sheath included.
12" Overall with a 7" sharpened, hand forged, 1095 damascus steel blade. Highly polished walnut and hardwood stacked handle with damascus steel fittings. Complete with good quality leather belt sheath.
13" Overall with a 7.6" sharpened, hand forged 1095 damascus steel blade. Solid brass fittings with polished bone, horn and red hardwood stacked handle. Complete with high quality leather belt sheath. Entirely hand crafted from a master forge.
12.5" Overall with an 8", 5 mil, sharpened, hand forged, high carbon steel damascus blade with detailed filework. Polished bone and brass stacked handle. Complete with good quality leather belt sheath. Stunning Knife new for 2016
15" Overall with a 10" sharpened, hand forged damascus steel blade. Full tang with polished black wooden handles with brass and steel inlay and steel retaining bolts, great item, exceptional value - now with plain brown sheath not embossed as shown
15" Overall with a 10" sharpened, hand forged damascus steel blade. Hardwood handles with brass and damascus steel fittings, complete with leather belt sheath, based on a traditional design with a contemporary finish, gorgeous.
12.5" Overall with a 7" sharpened, double edged 1075 high carbon steel damascus blade. Full tang with black micarta and brushed steel fittings. Detailed file work to spine, includes high quality leather belt sheath.
18" Overall with a 12" sharpened, hand forged, 1095 damascus steel blade. Full tang with horn handles scales and fileworked brass dividers. Damascus steel fittings and further detailed fileworked spine. A great deal of work has gone into this beautiful blade.