Martial Arts Equipment Specialist Swords From Blades UK
Dont Forget Your Samurai Swords
Ninja / Samurai Swords
Kit Rae
LARP (Foam Swords)
Handforged Samurai Swords
Chen Japanese Katana
Samurai Sword Tsubas
European Swords
Chinese Swords
Paul Chen - Other pieces
Cold Steel Swords
Wooden Swords
Movie Swords
Movie Statues / Figures
Lord Of The Rings
The Hobbit
Sword Maintenance
Functional Axes
Battle Axes
Hibben Knives
Small Knives / Folders
Large Knives
Kukri / Agriculture
Throwing Knives
Walther Knives
Aitor Knives
Damascus Folders
Damascus Hunters
Damascus Large Knives
Damascus Kitchen Knives
Traditional Daggers
Fairbairn Sykes
Fantasy Daggers
Functional Sticks
Fantasy Canes
Picture Scrolls
Oriental Fans
Compound / Long Bows
Helmets / Shields
Paul Chen
Belt Buckles
Game Of Thrones
Predator / AVP
Harry Potter
Nightmare On Elm
Jason Vorhees Figures
Little Britain
Game Related Figs
Other Movie Figures
Spend Over £40 Offers
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Blades UK are an experienced UK sword manufacturer,importer/retailer and wholesaler who have been trading online since 2000 with great success. Operating from both offices and 2 Industrial Estate Warehouses our dedicated team process and ship orders as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our success has resulted from our ability to offer top quality brands at rock bottom prices, speedy delivery and a vast range of superb products. All our items are brand new (unless stated otherwise) and in perfect condition, the same genuine pieces seen elsewhere but at a fraction of the cost.

Over the last 10 years we have become established experts on UK Weapons Law, so much so our advice has been sought to assist multiple companies and individuals who have had goods seized or detained on entering the UK. The testimony of our Director has been used in court cases as that of an expert in his field and we will happily advise anyone who has run into difficulties at no charge. We strongly believe if our industry is to survive in these difficult legislative times that we must put foward a united and accurate defence at all times.

Through word of mouth recommendations and regular repeat custom are total online sales alone are now well into the million's while other companies have come and gone. We are in profit, operate on low overheads and are also debt and mortgage free making us uniquely structured to survive even the most pressing economic times, so you may rest assured you are in safe hands. Join our newsletter to be kept up to date with Fantasic offers and Exciting News regarding our beloved industry. Please see 'Terms and Conditions' to the left for full ordering process and we look foward to you becoming our next happy customer, you'll fit right in with the many thousands we have already.

We are not just retailers, we have also invested heavily in a repairs and restoration service and have spare parts available for most of our best sellers.

We also work closely with customs and excise to help prevent the growing threat of further legislation being brought against our industry due to inexperienced individuals selling illegal weapons via the internet.

We treat e-mails like telephone calls and personally reply to over 90% within a few minutes.

With our money back guarantee your satisfaction is assured.

Please see the Terms page for shipping costs and further information.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions/queries;

Blades UK
9 Williams Avenue

Vat Reg No. 803 248258 Employer's Ref No. 531/BZ49192