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Lord Of The Rings
Lord Of The Rings

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Anduril - Sword of Aragorn (Reforged Narsil)
Anduril - Sword of Aragorn (Reforged Narsil) The Anduril, otherwise known as 'The Flame of The West'.

Official United Cutlery Item, with an overall length of 53" and a blade length of 40.5", the blade is made of a double edged, tempered 420 J2 stainless steel, false-edged. Has an inscription down the blade, which translates to "I am And�ril who was Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Let the thralls of Mordor flee me."

The handle is a solid metal crossguard and pommel with an antique silver plated finish and 24 karat gold plated fittings.

Comes with a parchment certificate of authenticity.

Price: £279.00
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Official Sting
Official Sting This officially licensed reproduction of the sword is perfect in every respect. 20.5" overall with a 14" 420 J2 stainless blade engraved with a rune design in the elvish language. Hardwood handle with a metallic leaf design. Solid metal guard and pommel with an antiqued silver finish engraved with elvish writing. Comes with a hardwood plaque with silk screened runes. With Parchment certificate

Price: £149.00
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Official LOTR Sting Scabbard
Official LOTR Sting Scabbard Measures approx 17" Overall.
Solid metal collar and tip, antiqued metal finish, Elven vine design, genuine leather wrap.

Sword is available separately above

rare item, only 2 available

Price: £99.00
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King Elendil Helmet
King Elendil Helmet King to all men of middle earth during the second age, Elendil stood alongside his son, Elrond and Gil-Galad during the final battle with Sauron and his hordes, who he was later slain by.
The helm is beautifully adorned with feathered wings and crests of seabirds of solid iron, which symbolize Elendil's arrival "from over the sea in ships that sailed on the wings of the wind."
A great companion display piece for any Narsil owner.
Includes wood display.
Limited Edition.

Price: £0.00
Sold Out

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Isildur's Helmet
Isildur\'s Helmet This authentically detailed helmet is a reproduction of the helmet prominently featured in The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring™ presented by New Line Cinema. United� Cutlery Brands industry leader in fine movie reproductions, has meticulously recreated the actual prop helmet using the finest grade materials
and craftsmanship of the highest quality available. Close attention to detail is a top priority in every piece, right down to the embossed brass decoration that precisely matches the original movie prop. This actor’s scale helmet is wearable and is completely handcrafted in solid iron with a weathered and distressed finish.
It features a genuine leather-lined interior with an individually serialized solid brass plate mounted on the inside back of the helmet to ensure authenticity. The Helm of Isildur™ is a limited edition of 2000 pieces worldwide and each helmet is presented with a wood display stand adorned with �The One Ring" inscription
and a brass medallion.

Price: £185.00
Sold Out

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Limited Edition Gondorian Helmet
Limited Edition Gondorian Helmet This authentically detailed helmet is a reproduction of the helmet prominently featured in The Lord of the Rings,™ The Return of the King presented by New Line Cinema. United� Cutlery Brands, industry leader in fine movie reproductions, has meticulously recreated the actual prop helmet using the finest grade materials and craftsmanship of the highest quality available. This intricately detailed actor’s scale helmet is wearable, and is completely handcrafted in solid iron with embossed decoration and a hand-antiqued finish. It features a genuine leather-lined interior with an individually serialized solid brass plate mounted on the inside back of the helmet to ensure authenticity. This adult collectible is strictly limited to 2000 pieces worldwide and each helmet is presented with a wood display stand adorned with �The One Ring" inscription and a brass medallion.

Price: £275.00
Out of Stock

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Limited Edition Gimlis Helmet
Limited Edition Gimlis Helmet Mint condition with stand and certificate but no original packaging

Official United Cutlery Item, with official stand

Fully functional and wearable
Genuine leather lined interiors
Wood display stands silkscreened with "The One Ring" inscription
Limited edition of 5000 individually serialized pieces worldwide
Reproduced from the actual prop helmets using only the finest grade materials and skilled hand craftsmanship. Includes a parchment certificate of authenticity.

Price: £0.00
Sold, Discontinued Item

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Official Sword of Samwise
Official Sword of Samwise
United Cutlery, industry leader, has meticulously recreated the actual filming prop. The blade was created from stainless steel instead of carbon steel as used on the original prop, in order to guarantee the replica will last a lifetime with little maintenance. The replica was created using the finest grade materials and craftsmanship available. Each replica is laser-serial-numbered on the blade and marked with the appropriate copyrights to ensure authenticity.

UC-2614 The Sword of Samwise - Weathertop Series
Includes a parchment certificate of authenticity.
Overall Length: 23-1/2"
Blade Length: 15-1/2"
Blade Material: 440 stainless steel.
Handle Material: Genuine leather wrap
Display: Hardwood plaque.

Price: £159.00

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Herugrim - Sword of King Theoden
Herugrim - Sword of King Theoden Official United Cutlery Item.

Overall length is 36.5" and the blade length is 27.5". Made from tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel with a double fuller grind and false-edged, The word 'Herugrim' is translated as meaning "fierce sword."

Comes with a parchment certificate of authenticity

Price: £249.00
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UC2628 The Bearded Axe of Gimli
UC2628 The Bearded Axe of Gimli Known primarily for their innate abilities to smith metal and stone, Dwarves are proud and strong-willed, ready for battle at a moment's notice. Like many Dwarves, Gimli, son of Gloin, favours the axe as his primary weapon. Accompanying his father to the Council of Elrond at Rivendell, Gimli is chosen to represent the Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring. After the Fellowship becomes separated, Gimli fights valiantly alongside Legolas and Aragorn from the Battle of Helms Deep to the Black Gates of Mordor. With his unshakable determination for success, he proves to be a valuable aid to the Fellowship. Prepared for as many different situations as possible, he carries the Battle Axe with him, along with his Walking Axe, Bearded Axe, and two throwing axes.

The blade is cast of forged tool steel and features brass engraved decoration sand a weathered steel finish giving it a battle-worn appearence. Close attention to quality is a priority in every hand-selected piece. Each replica is marked with the appropriate copyrights to ensure authenticity. Includes display plaque and certificate of authenticity.

UC-2628 The Bearded Axe of Gimli™
Includes a parchment certificate of authenticity.
Overall Length: 34"
Axe Head Length: 8"
Axe Head Material: Forged tool steel, weathered and distressed finish, false-edged.
Plaque: Hardwood plaque. Hardware, instructions included.

Price: £220.00
In Stock

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