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Black Tactical Vest
Black Tactical Vest
Black padded polyester tactical vest with collar, 5 pouches.
1 piece vest with adjustable sides and shoulders.
Very high quality through out.

Price: £24.99

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US Marpat Cammo Shirt
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�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £30.00

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DPM Dutch Issue Assault Vest
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�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £20.00

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British DPM Ammo Vest
British DPM Ammo Vest
�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £30.00

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Security Combat Vest
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�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £30.00

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Canadian Cold Weather Parka
Canadian Cold Weather Parka
�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £20.00

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WW2 American Rangers Vest
WW2 American Rangers Vest
�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £60.00

1 Only

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1950's French Demolition Vest
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�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £14.00

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DPM SAS Light Weight Vest
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�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £40.00

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DPM Patrol Vest
No picture available NF
�Experimental One Off’, i.e when the MOD wants a new pieces of kit, manufactures may produce several variations before the MOD will choose one. This is likely one that wasn’t chosen for whatever reason, making it highly collectable due to it’s rarity.

Price: £30.00

1 Only

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